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Rape Crisis CentresAthlone (Midlands) RCC Freephone: 1800 306 600 Carlow and South Leinster RCC Freephone: 1800 727 737 Donegal RCC Freephone: 1800 44 88 44 Dublin RCC *National 24hr Helpline: 1800 77 8888 Galway RCC Freephone: 1800 355 355 Kerry RCC Freephone: 1800 633 333 Kilkenny RCC (KASA) Freephone: 1800 478 478 Rape Crisis Midwest Freephone: 1800 311 511 Mayo RCC Freephone: 1800 234 900 Rape Crisis Northeast Freephone: 1800 212 122 Sexual Violence Centre Cork Freephone: 1800 496 496 Sligo RCC Freephone: 1800 750 780 Tipperary RCC Freephone: 1800 340 340 Tullamore RCC Freephone: 1800 323 232 Waterford RCC Freephone: 1800 296 296 Wexford RCC Freephone: 1800 33 00 33
Sexual Assault Treatment UnitsThere are six Sexual Assault Treatment Units (SATUs) in Ireland. They provide specialist care for people aged fourteen years and over who have recently been sexually assaulted or raped. Services include the provision of treatment such as emergency contraception and medication to reduce the possibility of developing sexually transmitted infection. The SATU services respond to requests from the Gardaà for the collection of forensic evidence to aid the legal process. However, if you are 18 and over you do not have to report to the Gardaà - SATU will still help and support you. There is no charge for any of the SATU services or follow up appointments. SATU services can be contacted at any time via An Garda SÃochána, or by contacting the individual SATU. For more info visit: Cork SATU South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital. Phone: 021 492 6297 weekdays, 8am to 4.30pm. Phone: 021 492 6100 weekends and after 4.30pm, ask for SATU. Donegal SATU Justice Walsh Road, Letterkenny. Phone: 087 06 81 964 at any time. Dublin SATU Rotunda Hospital Campus. Phone: 01 817 1736 weekdays, 8am to 5pm. Phone: 01 817 1700 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU. Galway SATU Phone: 091 76 57 51 or 087 63 38 118 weekdays 8am to 4pm. Phone: 091 75 76 31 or 091 524222 after 4pm and weekends, ask for SATU. Mullingar SATU Midland Regional Hospital. Phone: 044 939 4239 or 086 04 09 952 weekdays 8am to 5pm. Phone: 044 934 0221 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU. Waterford SATU University Hospital Waterford. Phone: 051 842 157 weekdays 8am to 5pm. Phone: 051 848 000 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU.
LGBTQIA+ HelplinesThe Switchboard (national) Monday to Friday 6.30pm – 9.00pm, Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays 4.00pm-6.00pm (01) 872 1055 Cork Lesbian Line Wednesday 6.30pm – 9.30pm 1800 929 539 Gay Information Cork Helpline Tuesdays – 6.30pm – 10.00pm 1800 929 539 LGBT Dublin 1800 929 539 Dundalk Outcomers Helpline 4pm to 6.30pm Fridays and 4pm to 6pm on Saturdays 1800 929 539 LGBT Galway 1800 929 539 LGBT Kilkenny 1800 929 539 OutWest Gay Helpline Thursdays 8.00pm – 10.00pm 094 937 2479 Transgender Family Support Line Sunday (6pm – 9pm) and Tuesday (10am – 12pm). 01 907 3707
LGBTQIA+ Support ServicesNationwide BelongTo Youth Service BeLonG To is an organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) young people, aged between 14 and 23. 01 670 6223 Bi+ Ireland ​Bi+ Ireland aims to create a space where bi+ people can make friends, access peer support and reduce any isolation they may experience. Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) is a non-profit organisation supporting the transgender community in Ireland in all its variety. 01- 873 3575 The Switchboard The Switchboard provides a confidential telephone support service to the LGBT+ community and allies. Open 7 days a week. 01 872 1055 Irish Trans Student Alliance (ITSA) The Irish Trans Students Alliance exists to support trans people in Ireland who are either between 18 and 30 or a student in Third Level education. HIV Ireland Ireland’s national HIV organisation which advocates for people living with HIV and the prevention of new HIV infections. 01 873 3799 Full Spectrum Ireland Full Spectrum Ireland is a peer-led group for Disabled LGBTI+ people in Ireland. Carlow Carlow LGBT+ Network Social Network for LGBT+ people in county Carlow. Clare Bronntanas LGBTQI Mental Health and Wellbeing A not-for-profit social enterprise for LGBTQI people living in Clare. Cork Gay Project Information, support and resources for gay, bi, queer and trans community in Cork. LINC Resource centre in Cork city for Lesbian and bisexual women. 11a While Street, Cork City Dublin GUIDE Clinic Free STI, HIV and Infectious Disease service in St James Hospital, Dublin. Gay Men’s Health Service Free sexual health services for MSM and trans people. 1850 24 1850 Outhouse Outhouse is a resource and community centre for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Dublin. Galway Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre Teach Solais is a LGBT Resource Centre Galway city centre. GOSSIP Galway based peer support group for transgender people living in the West of Ireland. Kildare Sunrise LGBT Kildare An LGBT support group in Kildare. Leitrim 8 Rays Leitrim An LGBTQI social group in Leitrim. Limerick GOSHH – Gender Orientation Sexual Health HIV GOSHH is a charity based in Limerick City and works throughout Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary. Longford Longford LGBT Longford LGBT is an online community and advocacy group. Louth Dundalk Outcomers A social and support group for people in the north east of Ireland. Mayo OutWest OutWest is a social and support group for LGBT people in the West of Ireland. Tipperary LGBT+ Health South Tipperary Suport, information, confidentiality and space spaces in a welcoming environment. 052 6129143
Mental Health SupportSamaritans Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. Freephone 116 123 Aware Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (7 days, 10am-10pm) Pieta House Free therapeutic support to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm. 1800 247 247 Turn2me They offer self-help, peer support and professional support through an online platform for those who are experiencing poor mental health. Grow Mental Health support and Recovery Organisation 1890 474 474 Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland 01 2107906 Shine Supporting people affected by mental ill health and their families through information and education. Childline A 24 hour helpline for people under the age of 18 who need support. Freephone: 1800 66 66 66
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